Monday, August 24, 2009


This morning a dramatic rescue operation was succesfully executed at The CLub.
 Seems the Admiral, Aunt Margie was all dressed and just about ready to go meet friends for lunch. This being her first outing since surgery she was very anxious to get out of the house and be with friends. She looked out the patio door and saw a beautiful golden retriever staring her in the face wagging his tail! Not reconizing the dog as any of the familiar neighborhood pets, she of course invited him in. A quick inspection revealed a tag with his identity and a quick phone call to his owner and this story is almost over....right?
After Marge and Trooper become better aquainted, she thinks maybe he would like a cool beverage. She and Trooper head outside so Marge can fill a bowl for him. While Margie is filling the bowl, Trooper doing what ALL golden retrievers do, decides to go for a swim! Problem is the cover is on the pool, Trooper is tangled in the cover, trapped and panicked!  OH MY!!!
Now visualize the situation.....Marge is dressed for a lunch outing, her hand is in a huge bandage, Trooper is caught in the pool cover drowning! Marge rushes to Troopers aid, reaches for his collar and it immediately comes off in her hand! Only thing left to do now is go in after him.....(but wait I can't get my hand wet)...... so in she goes, clothes, bandages, pool cover, and a strange drowning panicked dog! Fortunately Trooper realizing the gravity of the situation, regains his composure and swims to the edge of the pool, with Margie following close behind. Whew...close call. But gets better.
Just about this time, Troopers owner shows up to retrieve him and is greeted by a soggy (but happy) Trooper and a soaking wet Marge with all of her cloths on and her hand in a big white bandage. What the heck happened....did Trooper attack Marge (the bandage) and how and why are they both soaked? After a lengthy explaination (isn't that what caused the carpal tunnel to start with?) Trooper and his dad are reunited and Margie is off to changed cloths and resume her lunch activites!
In the aftermath, Uncle Brewski and Aunt Patti have already contacted Golden Rescue to get Aunt Margie enrolled as an Honarary member.

Editorrs note: You just can't make this s... up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will the "Maggie, the dog mom" escapades ever end?? How fortunate we are to have her at the helm of Club Brown! Not only does ship run a tight ship, but she also provides the entertainment. Bravo, Admiral...