Monday, October 12, 2009

Dog Lover or Publicity Hound??

Dog Lover or Publicity Hound?

First of all I want to give credit where credit it is due. Club Brown North in its infancy has done some fantastic things. The Seafood Fests, Halloween parties, the Fourth of July puppy and bike parade for all the neighborhood children and their pets and the numerous puppy birthday parties that allowed all to celebrate their puppy’s birthday. All were put together under the careful eye of Admiral Margie Brown and most of them ended up in the local newspaper. But years have gone by, children have grown up and friends have moved away. Club Brown has expanded to multi state locations and enrollment, but Club Brown North hasn’t had something big to cause our tails to wag in a while.

All of that changed one day when Admiral Margie lured found a stray dog near CBN. She fed him and called the owners to pick him up. As the story goes, she let her newly found headline friend play in the backyard and we all heard what happened next. The dog ended up in the pool, Margie staged performed a dramatic rescue while recovering from surgery and that led to a write up on the Club Brown website, a possible Dog Lover of the Year award, a substantial monetary reward, a trophy, numerous phone calls from her legions of fans and a rumored fast track for the Nobel Peace Prize (hey, if Obama can do it, why not our prestigious Admiral?)

Part II:

At the end of September, Club Member Amy went to introduce her favorite Aunt to her new puppy, Tripp. Once again Margie let the puppy in the backyard, fed him and lo and behold, what happens next? Once again, another soggy doggy! It is rumored the puppy, saw some treats in the middle of the pool cover. This time Margie healed from surgery (but still in therapy) yells for Amy to “dive in and get him!!!!” Amy quickly notices that the cover is holding Tripp’s weight (somewhat). Coaxing her new puppy to the side of the pool resolves the problem and she is able to scoop him out when he gets to the edge of the cover without getting wet. Not quite the exciting rescue her Aunt had, was it?

Hmmmm, now I sit here wondering how two puppies end up needing rescued within a few short months. Was it an attempt to gain more accolades, more recognition and perhaps another front page story in the local newspapers a nd a possible write up in People magazine? Or….could it be a jealous brother who has never had an article in any newspaper (other than those mistruths in the police blotter following Club Brown festivities).

In the end it is up to you, our loyal Club members, to decide if our beloved Admiral is a true dog lover or publicity hound. Perhaps a strong advisement to be watchful of your doggies if you visit Club Brown North is in order or they too may need to be “rescued”. (By the way, I personally believe it is I who should get the Dog Lovers Award as I myself have saved up two dogs from those nasty, nasty shelters. And, judges the check is in the mail.)

Submitted By
Uncle Tommy

Editors note: All Club members are welcomed and encouraged to submit articles for publication. Articles will be published as recieved, without editing, with the exception of minor formatting or graphics(or if I don't like it!) The opinions expressed by CLub members in guest editorials are solely those of the author. Neither the editor, webmaster or Club management take any responsibility for any of our actions said opinions nor the ruckus they may create!

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