As submitted by CLub Brown head honcho "Digger Dave":
Bob , [lease post these on the club web site and send a notice out to all members!!!!!!!
Who can find what doesn’t fit in these pictures????
Good Luck!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Just Another Friday Night!
I'm beginning to wonder..... if there is any such thing as "normal" at CLub Brown. But then again what is the definition of normal?
The Captian and Vice Admiral arrive at the CLub for a short work session (the Admiral has a formidable list of CLub-does), some libations and possibly some nourishment, only to find the doors locked and apparently no one present but Mae and Cloe. After using the "secret" entry technique that only a few CLub members are privy to, they soon discover that there is indeed someone there. Seems Digger Dave is sequestered in the Attic??? Hmmmmmmm........not wanting to interupt Digger's activities, I get right to the CLub-do list.
First item up is the malfunctioning HVAC system wherin the A/C runs at the same time as the heat! No wonder our dues are so high. After a couple of simple troubleshooting techniques, it is determined the newly installed (3 yrs ago?) "energy saving" set back thermostat is incorrectly wired. I wonder who installed this?
Moving quickly (seems there is some silly rule about no libations during "working" hours) to the next item, it is determined that the malfunctioning basement light is simply a defective light bulb. Come on Digger.....did this really need to be on the "emergency service" technicians list?
Next up are improvements to the CLub Management Information System infrastructure. It seems that there has never been any security implimented on the wireless networking devices, and there is also a new wireless printer that needs to be commisioned. This particular chore is probably the reason for the aformentioned libation rule, as this technician learned long ago that certain beverages and electronic data systems do not mix well!
What's all that ruckus??????
Oh my gosh...............apparently Margie is up to her publicity tricks again and has invited a stranger in for a visit! Oh's not a stranger.... it's Trooper! (see Dramatic Rescue). Seems that Trooper, out on his Friday night prowl, heard that there were CLub activites this evening and wanted to stop in for a "cold one", socialize a bit and meet some of the CLub members.
With all of the confusion and the greetings being exchanged between old acquantinces and new, any further attempts at work seem futile. Break out the beverages!
Aunt Patty and Trooper quickly become steadfast friends and she proclaims him to be a fine specimen, worthy of CLub membership. After Trooper posed for his CLub membership ID photo he returned home under the watchful eye of his gaurdian.
By the way, from Wiki:
In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The phrase "not normal" is often applied in a negative sense (asserting that someone or some situation is improper, sick, etc.) Abnormality varies greatly in how pleasant or unpleasant this is for other people.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines "normal" as 'conforming to a standard'. Another possible definition is that "a normal" is someone who conforms to the predominant behavior in a society. This can be for any number of reasons such as simple imitative behavior, deliberate or inconsistent acceptance of society's standards, fear of humiliation or rejection etc.
The French sociologist Emile Durkheim indicated in his Rules of the Sociological Method that the most common behavior in a society is considered normal. People who do not go along are violating social norms and will invite a sanction, which may be positive or negative, from others in the society.
As normality is often hard to define, a case study was done in 2008 in which students at Woodvale Senior High School, specifically students in the music program, were exposed to a certain kind of abnormalality or as it was described at the time by Dr. Summerville, "weirdness." The aim was to see what adolescents perceived as normal, or "average," and what they thought would be abstract, or as many of the participants described it, "weird." Sarah Nader and Murray Bishop, two of the test subjects were asked to have a "normal conversation" with their peers. However it soon became apparent that the discussions had between close, or even "best," friends was defined as weird by others of whom they were engaging in conversation. The conclusions of the study were that normalness is not an entirely flawed concept, rather it is simply defined as what the majority perceives as the mean, or average.
The Captian and Vice Admiral arrive at the CLub for a short work session (the Admiral has a formidable list of CLub-does), some libations and possibly some nourishment, only to find the doors locked and apparently no one present but Mae and Cloe. After using the "secret" entry technique that only a few CLub members are privy to, they soon discover that there is indeed someone there. Seems Digger Dave is sequestered in the Attic??? Hmmmmmmm........not wanting to interupt Digger's activities, I get right to the CLub-do list.
First item up is the malfunctioning HVAC system wherin the A/C runs at the same time as the heat! No wonder our dues are so high. After a couple of simple troubleshooting techniques, it is determined the newly installed (3 yrs ago?) "energy saving" set back thermostat is incorrectly wired. I wonder who installed this?
Moving quickly (seems there is some silly rule about no libations during "working" hours) to the next item, it is determined that the malfunctioning basement light is simply a defective light bulb. Come on Digger.....did this really need to be on the "emergency service" technicians list?
Next up are improvements to the CLub Management Information System infrastructure. It seems that there has never been any security implimented on the wireless networking devices, and there is also a new wireless printer that needs to be commisioned. This particular chore is probably the reason for the aformentioned libation rule, as this technician learned long ago that certain beverages and electronic data systems do not mix well!
What's all that ruckus??????
Aunt Patty and Trooper quickly become steadfast friends and she proclaims him to be a fine specimen, worthy of CLub membership. After Trooper posed for his CLub membership ID photo he returned home under the watchful eye of his gaurdian.
By the way, from Wiki:
In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The phrase "not normal" is often applied in a negative sense (asserting that someone or some situation is improper, sick, etc.) Abnormality varies greatly in how pleasant or unpleasant this is for other people.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines "normal" as 'conforming to a standard'. Another possible definition is that "a normal" is someone who conforms to the predominant behavior in a society. This can be for any number of reasons such as simple imitative behavior, deliberate or inconsistent acceptance of society's standards, fear of humiliation or rejection etc.
The French sociologist Emile Durkheim indicated in his Rules of the Sociological Method that the most common behavior in a society is considered normal. People who do not go along are violating social norms and will invite a sanction, which may be positive or negative, from others in the society.
As normality is often hard to define, a case study was done in 2008 in which students at Woodvale Senior High School, specifically students in the music program, were exposed to a certain kind of abnormalality or as it was described at the time by Dr. Summerville, "weirdness." The aim was to see what adolescents perceived as normal, or "average," and what they thought would be abstract, or as many of the participants described it, "weird." Sarah Nader and Murray Bishop, two of the test subjects were asked to have a "normal conversation" with their peers. However it soon became apparent that the discussions had between close, or even "best," friends was defined as weird by others of whom they were engaging in conversation. The conclusions of the study were that normalness is not an entirely flawed concept, rather it is simply defined as what the majority perceives as the mean, or average.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dog Lover or Publicity Hound??
Dog Lover or Publicity Hound?
All of that changed one day when Admiral Margie
Part II:
At the end of September, Club Member Amy went to introduce her favorite Aunt to her new puppy, Tripp. Once again Margie let the puppy in the backyard, fed him and lo and behold, what happens next? Once again, another soggy doggy! It is rumored the puppy, saw some treats in the middle of the pool cover. This time Margie healed from surgery (but still in therapy) yells for Amy to “dive in and get him!!!!” Amy quickly notices that the cover is holding Tripp’s weight (somewhat). Coaxing her new puppy to the side of the pool resolves the problem and she is able to scoop him out when he gets to the edge of the cover without getting wet. Not quite the exciting rescue her Aunt had, was it?
Hmmmm, now I sit here wondering how two puppies end up needing rescued within a few short months. Was it an attempt to gain more accolades, more recognition and perhaps another front page story in the local newspapers a nd a possible write up in People magazine? Or….could it be a jealous brother who has never had an article in any newspaper (other than those mistruths in the police blotter following Club Brown festivities).
In the end it is up to you, our loyal Club members, to decide if our beloved Admiral is a true dog lover or publicity hound. Perhaps a strong advisement to be watchful of your doggies if you visit Club Brown North is in order or they too may need to be “rescued”. (By the way, I personally believe it is I who should get the Dog Lovers Award as I myself have saved up two dogs from those nasty, nasty shelters. And, judges the check is in the mail.)
Submitted By
Uncle Tommy
Editors note: All Club members are welcomed and encouraged to submit articles for publication. Articles will be published as recieved, without editing, with the exception of minor formatting or graphics(or if I don't like it!) The opinions expressed by CLub members in guest editorials are solely those of the author. Neither the editor, webmaster or Club management take any responsibility for
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Moving Toilet Bowl Cleaner @ CLub Brown South!
A few weeks ago a report from our on scene inspector indicated a problem with unknown leaking fluids in the front bathroom. A troubleshooting crew was dispatched and determined that a bottle of shampoo had split and leaked. The offender was removed and the mess promptly remediated. Quality control (Denise) checked the situation a few days later and reported all to be in order.
Upon a reinspection a strange residue was reported in the same general area. A member (Scott) specially trained in hazmat/biohazards (and with a lot of initials behind his name!) responded and reported some interesting findings. There appears to be an unidentified residue on the bathroom floor area, accompanied by several unidentified species of insects. Our specially trained first responder stated that, in his professional opinion, the residue was a result of the bugs .....eeeeeeeeewwwwwww! Also in all of his years of proffesional experience in the Florida environment he had never encountered this particular species of unidentified insect. Upon closer examination he discovered a leaking bottle of toilet bowl cleaner cover with "black spots" and when he touched one of the "spots"........ IT MOVED!!!! YIKES. At this point, unsure of what he was dealing with, he bailed..........(that was part of his special training??). Management then called in additional reinforcements with a higher level of expertiese, equipment and knowledge to identify and exterminate the problem.
Reinspection is due shortly and we will keep you up to date!
Dog Lover Award Postponed
The recent meeting to determine "Dog Lover of the Year" award resulted in no action and the decision was tabled for a future date. Although there were 3 nominees, those in attendance felt each of the three had some charecteristic which would prevent them from confirming that person. By unanamous action of all present, the Award was postponed until such time that one of the nominees could convince (read $$$) other members of thier worthiness.
We will be following this story and keep you up to date on all of the details!
We will be following this story and keep you up to date on all of the details!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
There will be a special meeting open to any and all CLub members. The purpose of the meeting will be to nominate and vote for the "Dog Lover of the Year" award. As you all know this is a new, but prestigous award, accompanied by a large monetary prize and you will want your voice to be heard. Please plan to attend!
Looks like Dave need to do a little pool work!
Only members in attendance will be allowed to vote. No proxie votes will be accepted. No crybabying will be allowed. Decision of the judges is final
Monday, August 31, 2009
Corn Day at The CLub
CLub Members "shuckin"
Sunday was sweet corn pickin, shuckin, cookin, freezin day at The CLub. Several of the charter members got togeather for a productive work afternoon and froze up 44.5 dozen (thats 534 ears) of sweet corn. The day started as Bob, Bob and Dave met to pick the corn, fresh from the field, generously provided by a member of the Fishing Team. After some grumbling about being a lot of work, my allergies are bothering me, etc they managed to pick 5 large burlap sacks of succulent sweet corn.
Upon returning to the Club everyone except Digger Dave (he convienetly had to go get propane) pitched in to start shucking. In the mean time the water was heating and the garbage cans were filling!
Once the water got to a rolling boil the ladies relocated to the kitchen to set up the cutting and packaging station. First batch into the pot was 6 dozen, water was returned to a boil, the corn removed to an ice water bath and transferred to the girls cutting station.
Subsequent batches came out of the pot right on time to keep the girls busy. The boys also had their hands full trying to consume 1 adult beverage for each dozen............more on that later.
After about 3 pots full (16 dozen) it was apparent that the one beverage per dozen was not going to work. After an emergency telephone consultation with "The Developer" it was determined that the rationing should be modified to 1 beverage per potful. Now thats do-able!
All told we cooked 9 pots = 44.5 dozen = 534 ears = 106 bags @ 3 cups per bag.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Suspicious Plantings at The CLub!
Many comments have been made regarding the suspicious planting at the north end of the CLub pool. Almost everyone, at first sight exclaims "where did the pot come from", however Digger Dave and Aunt Margie insist that it is an innocent decorative specimen
Monday, August 24, 2009
This morning a dramatic rescue operation was succesfully executed at The CLub.
Now visualize the situation.....Marge is dressed for a lunch outing, her hand is in a huge bandage, Trooper is caught in the pool cover drowning! Marge rushes to Troopers aid, reaches for his collar and it immediately comes off in her hand! Only thing left to do now is go in after him.....(but wait I can't get my hand wet)...... so in she goes, clothes, bandages, pool cover, and a strange drowning panicked dog! Fortunately Trooper realizing the gravity of the situation, regains his composure and swims to the edge of the pool, with Margie following close behind. Whew...close call. But gets better.
Just about this time, Troopers owner shows up to retrieve him and is greeted by a soggy (but happy) Trooper and a soaking wet Marge with all of her cloths on and her hand in a big white bandage. What the heck happened....did Trooper attack Marge (the bandage) and how and why are they both soaked? After a lengthy explaination (isn't that what caused the carpal tunnel to start with?) Trooper and his dad are reunited and Margie is off to changed cloths and resume her lunch activites!
In the aftermath, Uncle Brewski and Aunt Patti have already contacted Golden Rescue to get Aunt Margie enrolled as an Honarary member.
Editorrs note: You just can't make this s... up!
Seems the Admiral, Aunt Margie was all dressed and just about ready to go meet friends for lunch. This being her first outing since surgery she was very anxious to get out of the house and be with friends. She looked out the patio door and saw a beautiful golden retriever staring her in the face wagging his tail! Not reconizing the dog as any of the familiar neighborhood pets, she of course invited him in. A quick inspection revealed a tag with his identity and a quick phone call to his owner and this story is almost over....right?
After Marge and Trooper become better aquainted, she thinks maybe he would like a cool beverage. She and Trooper head outside so Marge can fill a bowl for him. While Margie is filling the bowl, Trooper doing what ALL golden retrievers do, decides to go for a swim! Problem is the cover is on the pool, Trooper is tangled in the cover, trapped and panicked! OH MY!!!Now visualize the situation.....Marge is dressed for a lunch outing, her hand is in a huge bandage, Trooper is caught in the pool cover drowning! Marge rushes to Troopers aid, reaches for his collar and it immediately comes off in her hand! Only thing left to do now is go in after him.....(but wait I can't get my hand wet)...... so in she goes, clothes, bandages, pool cover, and a strange drowning panicked dog! Fortunately Trooper realizing the gravity of the situation, regains his composure and swims to the edge of the pool, with Margie following close behind. Whew...close call. But gets better.
Just about this time, Troopers owner shows up to retrieve him and is greeted by a soggy (but happy) Trooper and a soaking wet Marge with all of her cloths on and her hand in a big white bandage. What the heck happened....did Trooper attack Marge (the bandage) and how and why are they both soaked? After a lengthy explaination (isn't that what caused the carpal tunnel to start with?) Trooper and his dad are reunited and Margie is off to changed cloths and resume her lunch activites!
In the aftermath, Uncle Brewski and Aunt Patti have already contacted Golden Rescue to get Aunt Margie enrolled as an Honarary member.
Editorrs note: You just can't make this s... up!
CLub Admiral undergoes surgery!
CLub Admiral Aunt Margie underwent carpal tunnel surgery last Tuesday. The surgery went very well and she is recovering nicely at home. Seems the only complication was shortly after surgery she was starving and because of the bandaging she was unable to open anything to eat. Finally after a lengthy search she came upon a bag of oyster crackers, provided by Aunt Patty to compliment some split pea soup, she was able to use a butcher knife to sufficently shred the package enabling her to satisfy the hunger pangs!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Latest On CLub Brown Guanaja!
Sorry it's been some time since an update, but the past events have been depressing :-(
The entire CLub Brown Guanaja adventure fell apart. Seems one of Castaway's developing partners found a Honduran girl friend....that led to divorce.....that led to a fight.....which led to the "money" partner bailing out....which led to no $$ to buy supplies for the bar/restaurant/construction....which led to Kevin not getting paid....which led to him leaving....which led to the place being empty......which led to looters.....which led to a fire to cover their tracks.....which led to our contract expiring....which led to the return of all of our monies.
Thankfully, due to Uncle Brewski's advanced negotiating skills and tactics, The CLub did not lose a cent. It is sad however that the opportunity for a CLub expansion in such a beautiful spot has been lost.
The entire CLub Brown Guanaja adventure fell apart. Seems one of Castaway's developing partners found a Honduran girl friend....that led to divorce.....that led to a fight.....which led to the "money" partner bailing out....which led to no $$ to buy supplies for the bar/restaurant/construction....which led to Kevin not getting paid....which led to him leaving....which led to the place being empty......which led to looters.....which led to a fire to cover their tracks.....which led to our contract expiring....which led to the return of all of our monies.
Thankfully, due to Uncle Brewski's advanced negotiating skills and tactics, The CLub did not lose a cent. It is sad however that the opportunity for a CLub expansion in such a beautiful spot has been lost.
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